Players…Old and new, these are the faces of the Strider’s Strikers players group.
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[dcs_p]Bret played the BattleTech CCG with us in high school and college. A staunch supporter of any strong cards, he quickly made a tough deck armed with lots of scary Mechs. In college he created a character for the Strikers storyline. He also took an interest in refitting his Mech with the latest Clan technology to make sure his character was armed to the teeth when fighting on the battlefield. Bret is a doctor now and has a family of his own.[/dcs_p]
Pic Inspiration!
[dcs_p]Lives in: Kansas, United States of America
Prefers: Clans (why? Clan Mechs)
Main Interests: Video Games, College Basketball and Football, Spending time with is family
Other Sci Fi Interests: Various Video Games
Movies: Unknown
Primary Characters: Xandar Harlow (original
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